rosie haase
graphic design + art direction

Hi there! I'm Rosie, a graphic designer on a mission to solve problems through the power of creative design. While I specialize in branding and visual identity, I thrive on challenges in any creative medium.

My design journey began more than 6 years ago with screen and relief printing, and has evolved into a digital design and branding focus. Despite the digital shift, my love for print work remains unwavering.

Thanks for checking out my work and please contact me through any of the links below. Looking forward to connecting! 

03 engix
visual identity + branding

TOOLS: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Indesign
For this project, I was tasked with rebranding a children's toy company, and I saw an opportunity to create something truly impactful by focusing on the STEM toys sector. I did extensive research on the current market and examined the negative impacts of gendered and non-inclusive toy design on children's learning and development.

The resulting brand, Engix (a redesign of Engino), was designed to promote inclusivity and ignite imagination through its vibrant, welcoming color palette. I also wanted the visual identity to reflect Engix's core mission of building complex ideas from simple parts, so I incorporated basic half circles and arcs as the primary imagery for the brand. The goal was to create a brand that was both visually appealing and meaningful, one that would resonate with children and parents alike.

 Above are notable shots from the final branding guidelines. You can find the full brand guidelines linked here for a more comprehensive look at the project.

Below are slides + development notes from my research which informed the conceptual process.